Crocidolite asbestos is one of the six types of asbestos adapted for a variety of uses throughout the past 120 years. Also known as “blue” asbestos or riebeckite, crocidolite was mined mostly in southern Africa, Australia, and Bolivia. Although crocidolite was the least-often used type of asbestos (about 4 percent of the total used in the U.S.), it’s considered by experts to be the most dangerous form of asbestos.

The Most Dangerous Type of Asbestos

Blue asbestos is so dangerous because of the size of its needle-like fibers; they are exceptionally thin and easy to inhale, even compared to other forms of asbestos (which include chrysotile, amosite, tremolite, anthophyllite, and actinolite). Once inside the body, the fibers don’t break down easily. Crocidolite asbestos poses a real health concern. Estimates of the death rate due to mesothelioma among crocidolite miners average at about 18 percent. Mining of blue asbestos halted quickly in the 1960s when scientist Dr. Christopher Wagner discovered its association with mesothelioma.

Crocidolite in Asbestos Products

While it was also used in the Kent Micronite cigarette filters and some early gas masks, the substance was used mainly for spray-on insulation and cement products. Asbestos cement was created in the early 1900s, when it was thought that asbestos was a safe material with wonderful properties for heat and friction resistance. A composite material made of cement reinforced with the fibers of crocidolite, asbestos cement was very widely used as an asbestos building material. However, when asbestos-cement bricks or other products are cracked, chipping, or otherwise deteriorating, the crocidolite fibers may be released into the air.

Inhalation and Related Diseases

The fibers of crocidolite can become lodged in the lungs or at other internal sites of the body and accumulate over time. This may result in asbestos-related diseases such as asbestosis, mesothelioma, and lung cancer. If you suspect that a diagnosis for one of these diseases in your family was due to crocidolite exposure, it’s wise to consult an experienced lawyer and explore your legal options. You may be eligible to receive compensation for your losses including medical expenses, lost wages, and lost ability to engage in normal everyday activities.

For more information about crocidolite asbestos and your rights, please contact Mesothelioma Treatment Centers today. We can put you in contact with a highly-qualified attorney and provide you with the resources you need.